American Council
of Learned Societies
Occasional Paper No. 29
Poetry In and Out
of the Classroom:
Essays from the ACLS Elementary and
Secondary Schools Teacher Curriculum
Development Project
The schools initiatives of the American Council of Learned Societies
are intended to assist teachers in developing the habit of scholarship
as the basis for their teaching. The three-year ACLS Elementary and Secondary
Schools Teacher Curriculum Development Project has provided fellowships
for nearly one hundred teachers with that aim, and has involved perhaps
another three or four hundred teachers across North America in school-based
teams in work with the teacher fellows. We are very pleased with the result
of the project, one manifestation of which is the essays included in this
These essays illustrate the full range of what might be expected from
an effort to encourage teachers in elementary schools and secondary schools
to approach their work from the point of view of scholarship. Randy Cummings
tells us about a little-known body of poetry, that of British women at
the time of the First World War, and demonstrates how this work can be
used in the Fifth Grade Social Studies Curriculum. Mr Cummingss scholarship
is in the mainstream of current literary history, recovering for us a
neglected aspect of our literary heritage. Terry Moreland Henderson brings
her own heritage to bear on the development of student interest in their
family stories. Working in the oral history tradition of the Foxfire project
(itself strongly rooted in her ancestral Appalachia), Ms. Henderson is
able to evoke a highly differentiated spectrum of oral histories from
the extraordinarily diverse backgrounds of her Los Angeles students. Her
concept of panculturalism is a provocative counter-weight
to the more usual multicultural reference of new curriculum, perhaps a
certain reversion to melting pot theory in a time when difference
is increasingly emphasized over commonality in civil society. Similarly,
using a Far Side cartoon about adolescence in different species
a parallel to the differing ethnic and cultural backgrounds in
many of our schools Phyllis Schwartz evokes moving and effective
poetry from students who had characteristically denied interest in poetry
and in sharing highly personal emotions in the classroom setting. Fredric
Lowns contribution to this collection is itself a poem, a memoir of his
grandmother, whose life foreshadowed those of many of the students in
the Pacific Rim classes of Henderson and Schwartz. Joan Soble gives us
a vivid account of how her teaching, and her relationships with colleagues
and students, enrich her understanding of one of the chief canonical texts
of the traditional curriculum, as she works to prepare it for presentation
in the framework of her districts (and Harvard Universitys) teaching
for understanding pedagogy. Finally, Richard Young gives us an account
of his own reactions, as an informed reader, to the presentations of truth
in the poetry of Robert Lowell and the prose of Alex Haley and Malcolm
X. After a year of post-modernist inquiry, Young finds the canons of modernism
much less simple, the lessons of literature much more ambiguous.
After three years of work with schools, we can applaud these indications
of the use to which their fellowship time has been put by these teachers,
and note with them, and their colleagues, how scholarship can be successfully
used as a basis for curriculum development in the elementary and secondary
classrooms, in British Columbia and Colorado, as much as in Massachusetts
and Wisconsin everywhere, that is, where teachers have the opportunity
to study current research in their subject areas and responsibility for
creating their curriculum on that foundation.
Michael Holzman
Project Director
[Author affiliations date to 1995, when the title was published in print. --Ed.]