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Title: "Religious cults as cultural resistance: the Karen and Martinican cases"

Authors: Kwanchewan Buadaeng, William Miles

Bibliographies from Kwanchewan Buadaeng and William Miles

Bibliography from Kwanchewan Buadaeng:

Power relations of the Karen and the Burmese in the Burma history

Gravers, Mikael. 1993, 1999. Nationalism as Political Paranoia in Burma. UK: Curzon Press.

Lintner, Bertil. 1994. Burma in Revolt: Opium and Insurgency Since 1948. U.S.A.: Westview Press.

Rajah, Ananda. 1992. "Transformations of Karen Myths of Origin and Relations of Power", in Patterns and Illusions: Thai History and Thought in Memory of Richard B. Davis. Canberra: The Richard Davis Fund and the Department of Anthropology Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.

San C. Po. 2001 (1928). Burma and the Karens. Bangkok: White Lotus.

Smith, Martin. 1999. Burma: Insurgency and the Politics of Ethnicity. London: Zed Books.

The Karen and their religious cults

Gravers, Mikael. 1999. "Ritual as a Medium of Power: Karen Religious Movements in Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand," a paper presented at the workshop Cargo, Cult and Culture Critique, Aarhus 25-28 November 1999.

____________. 2001. "Cosmology, Prophets, and Rebellion Among the Buddhist Karen in Burma and Thailand", Moussons 4(2001): 3-31.

Kwanchewan Srisawat. 1988. "The Karen and the Khruba Khao Pi Movement: A Historical Study of the Response to the Transformation in Northern Thailand," M.A.Thesis, Ateneo de Manila University.

Kwanchewan Buadaeng. 2001. "Negotiating Religious Practices in a Changing Sgaw Karen Community in North Thailand," Ph.D. thesis, The University of Sydney.

Stern, Theodore. 1968. "Ariya and The Golden Book: Millenarian Buddhist Sect Among the Karen", The Journal of Asian Studies 27(1968): 297-328.

Concepts on cultural resistance

Comaroff, Jean. 1985. Body of Power, Spirit of Resistance: the Culture and History of a South African People. Chicago, IL: University Chicago Press.

Lattas, Andrew. 1998. Cultures of Secrecy: Reinventing Race in Bush Kaliai Cargo Cults. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.

Scott, James C. 1977. "Protest and Profanation: Agrarian Revolt and the Little Tradition", Theory and Society. 4(1977): 211-246.

Bibliography from William Miles:

(Martinique References)

General Works on Culture and History

Bernabé, Jean, Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphaël Confiant. Éloge de la Creolité/In Praise of Creoleness, 1990.

Burton, D.E. Richard and Fred Reno, eds. 1995. French and West Indian: Martinique, Guadeloupe, and French Guiana Today. Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia.

Constant, Fred. 2001. "The French Antilles in the 1990s: Between European Unification and Political Territorialisation." In Aaron Gamaliel Ramos and Angel Israel Rivera, eds., Islands at the Crossroads. Politics in the Non-Independent Caribbean. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press.

Daniel, Justin. 2001. "The Construction of Dependency: Economy and Politics in the French Antilles." In Aaron Gamaliel Ramos and Angel Israel Rivera, eds., Islands at the Crossroads. Politics in the Non-Independent Caribbean. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Press.

Hintjens, Helen. 1992. "France’s Love Children? The French overseas departments." In Hintjens and M.D.D. Newitt, eds., The Political Economy of Small Tropical Islands. The Importance of Being Small. Exeter: University of Exeter Press.

Lasserre, Guy and Albert Mabileau. "The French Antilles and Their Status as Overseas Departments." In Hilary Beckles and Verene Shepherd, Caribbean Freedom. Economy and Society from Emancipation to the Present. A Student Reader, 1996.

Lerner, Daniel. 1965. The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing in the Middle East. New York: Free Press.

Madras. 1996. Dictionnaire Encyclopédique et Pratique de la Martinique. Fort-de- France: éditions Exbrayat.

Miles, William F.S. 1986. Elections and Ethnicity in French Martinique: A Paradox in Paradise. New York: Praeger.

Works Focussing on Religion and Cults

Affergan, Francis. "Eléments pour une anthropologies du magico-religieux à la Martinique." Cahiers Internationaux de sociologie 87: 265-281.

Alexis, Gerson. 1976. Vodou et Quimbois. Essai sur les avatars du vodou à la Martinique. Port-au-Prince: Les Editions Fardin.

Bougerol, Christiane. 1991. Une ethnographie des conflits aux Antilles. Jalousie, commérages, sorcellerie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Céleste, Chérubin. 1983. "Chrétien, Donc Indépendentiste." Les Temps Modernes 441-2.

De Vassoigne, 1994. "Implantation de dynamisme des congrégations religieuses d’origine nord-américaine en Martinique." In Mauric Burac, ed., Guadeloupe, Martinique et Guyane dans le monde américaine. Paris: Karthala.

Degoul, Franck. 2000. Le Commerce Diabolique. Petit-Bourg: Ibis.

———. 2000. "Le Diable, Les Deux Indiens et le Chabin. Une illustration en récit de l’imaginaire du pacte diabolique en Martinique." In Jean Bernabé et. al., Au visiteur lumineux. Des îles créoles aux sociétés plurielles. Petit Bourg, Guadeloupe: Ibis Rouge Editions.

Delawarde, J-B. 1983. La sorcellerie à la Martinique et dans les îles voisines. Ses Positions et ses réactions dans ses rapports avec le culte chrétien ambiant. Paris: Téqui.

Henry-Valmore, Simone. 1983. “Une figure de l’Imaginaire Antillais: le Quimboiseur.” Les Temps Modernes 441-2.

———. 1989. "Magie des Espoirs. L’auberge espagnole des croyances et des religions." Autrement 41.

Horowitz, Michael M. and Morton Klass. 1961. “The Martiniquan East Indian Cult of Maldevidan.” Social and Economic Studies 10: 93-100.

Michael M. Horowitz. 1963. “The Worship of South Indian Deities in Martinique.” Ethnology 2: 339-346.

Hurbon, Laennec. 1989. Le Phénomène Religieux dans la Caraïbe. Guadeloupe- Martinique-Guyane-Haïti. Montréal: Les Editions du CIDIHCA.

Jardel, Jean-Pierre. 2000. "Représentations des cultes afro-caribéens et des pratiques magico-religieuse aux antilles: une approche du préjugé racial dans la littérature para-anthropologique." In Jean Bernabé et. al., Au visiteur lumineux. Des îles créoles aux sociétés plurielles. Petit Bourg, Guadeloupe: Ibis Rouge Editions.

Massé, Raymond. 1978a. “Les Adventistes du Septième Jour aux Antilles françaises: anthropologie d’une espérance.” Revue canadienne de sociologie et anthropologie 15:452-465.

———.1978b. Les Adventistes du septième jour aux antilles françaises: anthropologie d’une espérance millénariste. Publications du Centre de Recherches Caraïbes: Université de Montréal.

——— and Véronique Poulin. 2000. "La Place des Eglises Fondamentalistes dans la Société et Dans la Culture Martiniquise." In Jean Bernabé et. al., Au visiteur lumineux. Des îles créoles aux sociétés plurielles. Petit Bourg, Guadeloupe: Ibis Rouge Editions.

Yerro, Philippe Alain. 2000. "A partir du movement rastafari de Martinique: système discursif, ethnicité et retour du refoulé." In Jean Bernabé et. al., Au visiteur lumineux. Des îles créoles aux sociétés plurielles. Petit Bourg, Guadeloupe: Ibis Rouge Editions.

Zécler, Lucien. 1994. Les Sectes et Groupes Pseudo-Religieux à la Martinique et Ailleurs: Eldorado ou Enfer? Schoelcher, Martinique: Imprimerie ABSALON SARL.

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